Friday, January 26, 2007


Yesterday and today were productive days when it comes our first photo shop assignment of a self portrait. I am nearing completion and hopefully will have the final result posted here soon. I found the most tricky part of the assignment was to be "inspired". I'm a science geek, I don't get inspired...or do I? Well apparently the answer is yes. After much searching on the Internet I finally found an image that made me say, "wow that's cool!" and inspiration was born. I decided to use the image I found and take certain aspects of that image and incorporate them into my own self portrait. The next day Jada, (my wife) found herself taking dozens of pictures for me to use and after about 15 hours of photo shopping the image is almost ready. I found the actual event of trying to recreate the image extremely difficult as it was a complex design and did not turn out exactly as I originally intended, however through out the process I found new creative ideas that took me in new places then I had originally planned. Inspiration again? Perhaps.

Anyway, here is the image that first got my attention. Stay tune to this blog for the finished project as soon as it is ready.

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